Notices Sunday 28th January

Church Calendars

We have some left. I am still not sure everyone knows about them. They have been reduced to £5 but if you would like to buy one for the original price of £8 then that would be appreciated too.

Parish Lunch

The Bromborough Hotel. List at rear of church but if you don’t manage to sign up just come.

Ladies Fellowship group

Meet on Tuesday 6th February at 7.30 pm in the Centre

Full English Breakfast in the Centre

Saturday 10th February at 10.00 am After that how about joining brass cleaning at church?!

Messy Church

In the Centre on Tuesday 13th February. Sheet for signing up at the back of Church.

Ash Wednesday Holy Communion 14th February

There will be a service with Ashing at 10.30 am in the Centre and at 7.00 pm in church

Valentine Night at the Methodist Church

2.00pm – 5.00pm Join our friends at Bromborough Methodist Church for a “Valentine Delight” – chat, singalong, tea, coffee and light tea. No charge but donations to their Church funds very welcome.

New sets of envelopes

for those giving are available at the back of Church

Communications and the new website

It is, for some of us at least, very exciting as we have a parish website again after many years without. You can find us at

Donate to St Barnabas as you shop online!

Sign up with and choose ‘PCC of St Barnabas, Bromborough’ as your chosen charity. If you need help ask Julie Watts or Thelma McGorry

For our Prayers:

If you know of anyone in special need of prayer, please let us know. The only stipulation is that the person MUST give their permission. We pray today for Jenny, Rachael and Anna, Andrew and Julie, the wider families of Jack Watts, Lt Patricia Liddiard, Lt William Watson, Lt George Bufton and Lt. Violet Williams. We continue to pray for good health and healing for; Maureen, Graham and Carol, Clive and Lesley, Keith, Barbara, Gordon, Josie, Thelma Williams and Pat Porter.

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