Notices Sunday 17th December

Sunday 17th December 

  • 9.15 am Holy Communion 
  • 11.00 am Words and Worship
  • 4.00 pm Carol Service in Candlelight

Monday 18th December 

  • Centre Open 10.00 -2.00pm today and Tuesday

Tuesday 19th December

  • Centre café closes for Christmas at 2.00 pm today. Reopens 3rd January
  • 2.00 pm Mothers’ Union December meeting in the Centre – all are welcome

Wednesday 20th December

  • 10.30 am Holy Communion in Church  

Thursday 21st December

  • 10.00 am Little Church in Church
  • 1.30 pm Community Bingo for disabled and able-bodied adults in the Centre

Christmas Eve: Sunday 24th December 

  • 9.15 Service of Holy Communion Christmas Eve
  • 4.00pm Nativity Service with dressing up, a real donkey and a visit from Santa
  • 11.15 pm First Communion of Christmas

Christmas Day: Monday 25th December

  • 11.00 am Family service and Communion Christmas Day 

Wednesday 27th December 

  • No Wednesday service this week

Sunday 31st December 

  • 9.15 Holy Communion 
  • 11.00 am Family Holy Communion 

Wednesday 3rd January 

  • The Centre reopens after its Christmas break
  • 10.30 am Holy Communion in the Centre

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