Notices Sunday 10 December
Sunday 10th December
- 9.15 am Holy Communion 1662
- 11.00 am Words and Worship
Monday 11th December
- Centre Open 10.00 -2.00pm every day this week
- From 9.00 am Food for families bag packing at Kangaroo
- 1.30 pm Churches together Knit and Knatter in the Centre
Tuesday 12th December
- From 9.00 am Food for families bag packing at Kangaroo
- 10.00 am Raeburn School Carol Service
- 1.30pm Funeral Lt Kathleen Burkey at Landican
- 3.30 pm Messy Church in the Centre
Wednesday 13th December
- 10.30 am Holy Communion
- 1.30 pm Woodslee School Carol Service
- 4.00pm Mendell School Choir performance
Thursday 14th December
- 10.00 am Little Church in Church
- 1.30 pm Mendell School Carol Service
- 1.30 pm Community Bingo for disabled and able-bodied adults in the Centre
Sunday 17th December
- 9.15 Service of Holy Communion
- 11.00 am Words and Worship
- 4.00 pm Carol Service by Candlelight.
St Barnabas Calendars are on Sale.
These calendars have been created by Jenny and Anna Gillies with the help of Dava Gordon and a company who operate a site called They are available for the sum of £8.00. They include photos of St Barnabas and space to write in events or appointments. They would be useful to own as well as give as gifts. All the proceeds will go to the upkeep of the church. If you would like a calendar, please buy one in church or at the centre or email and I will reserve you one.
Are you able to provide cake for Sundays?
The rota has run out and it is time to sign up again to bring cake on a Sunday. The original idea was that those who don’t have time to eat before church can tuck into something when they arrive. And then there are those for whom cake is never a problem and those who would just like a biscuit. The biscuit bit is easy. Can you make a cake, buy a cake, bring croissants or doughnuts?
Messy Church Volunteers needed
This Tuesday 12th December at 3.30 pm. Can you help? Kitchen? Welcome? Drinks? Craft? Clearing up? We are also having Christmas dinner and it would be good if as many volunteers who can join in. The idea is we eat together not watch others do it! Please sign on the sheet at the back of church or let Fiona know directly by emailing
Christmas Tree Festival
Thank you to Natalie and the whole team for the work that you put in in order to make the Christmas Tree Festival so successful. It has been a huge commitment of time for so many people. It really is appreciated. Our very own Winter Wonderland had 3,146 visitors during 8 days. After expenses, but before counting Wednesday’s money, we have raised over £3,000. Amazing!
Communications and the new website
It is, for some of us at least, very exciting as we have a parish website again after many years without. You can find us at If you spot any errors, then do let Andrew know You will notice that we are beginning to have email addresses that have our job role rather than our name. It will take a while to get used to that. We also need photos of some of you, so if you are asked to allow your picture to be taken it would be helpful if you say yes! Visit our site. The rota, newsletter and a parish calendar are all there. Encourage your friends and family to visit too.
Help raise cash for St Barnabas as you do your Christmas Shopping!
Will you be buying Christmas presents online this year? If so you may well be able to raise some money for St Barnabas at the same time! How? Like this: Go to the ‘Give As You Live’ website and click on ‘log in’ or ‘register’ to create an account. Search for St Barnabas as your charity: type in ‘Barnabas’ and ‘PCC of St Barnabas, Bromborough’ will pop up for you to select.
You can shop at Sainsbury’s, Tesco, John Lewis, Argos, Boots, Waitrose, the Trainline, even Screwfix! All you have to do is choose the shop from the ‘Give As You Live’ website. It takes you to the chosen shop but remembers to give the chosen charity a portion of the total you spend. A small portion admittedly, but it all adds up. Please have go. If you get stuck, talk to Julie Watts or email Thank you.
Christmas Flowers
Would you like to contribute to the Christmas flowers this year. We have the altar flowers to do and, if we have funds, a possible stand at the front and or back. Windowsills will remain green as they have been during the tree festival. There will be a plate at the back on Sunday. Please put money in an envelope labelled flower fund.
For our prayers
Please pray through the events listed on the ‘This Week’ section of the newsletter. Pray that children will hear about and experience the love of God when they come into church. Pray for safety for all the walking to and from church. Pray for protection around the various volunteers who will help make all the stuff we are doing a success. Pray that the food arrives for packing, for enough people to pack the bags and to deliver them. Pray please that I avoid coughs colds or Covid. Please also pray in particular for: Jane Hunt (who is very poorly) and her brother Keith, Joseph Mills, Gordon Simmonds, Lesley and Clive, Maureen (who is now home), John and Barbara. Our family at home: Thelma Wiliams, Josie Davies, Jack Watts, and Pat Porter. The families of the Lt. Kathleen Burkey and Brenda Pringle Mavis and the family of the Lt. Les Henderson, Ellen Ascroft and her family on the death of her husband Peter.