Our pattern of worship


9.15 am Parish Communion
First, second, third Sundays

Traditional Holy Communion Service which usually follows Common Worship. Hymns with organ.
All who are confirmed or in good standing with their own church may receive communion. There are gluten free wafers and non-alcoholic wine available. Please mention on arrival if you require either of these things.

9.15 am Morning Prayer
Every fourth and fifth Sunday

Morning prayer using the pattern from Common worship. There are hymns and a sermon.
Children are welcome. There is a children’s corner and ‘busy bags’ to take to the pew, but children are not specifically looked after in a separate provision. On festival Sundays there will be Holy Communion.

11.00 Words and Worship
First, second, third Sunday

We have refreshments before this service so do come early (though you can usually find cake left after too). You are welcome to take your drink to your pew.
We use the AV system so liturgy is on the screen and that helps us use words and pictures. Music is a mixture of more modern worship songs as well as some of the old favourites done with a contemporary feel. We offer good teaching and the opportunity to be prayed for after the service if you wish.
Come and join us. We would love to meet you.

11 00 am Informal, Modern Communion
Every fourth Sunday

We begin with refreshments after the earlier service so from 10. 20am. The service is aimed at people of all ages. Families are welcome but so are individuals or couples who want something a bit more relaxed. We use and AV system for the words and music and use lots of modern songs. Anyone who is confirmed or in good relationship with their own church of a different denomination may take communion . If you would like to explore being confirmed, please speak to the Rector Jenny Gillies. There is a children’s corner and ‘busy bags’ that children can use in their pew during the service.

Weekday worship

Tuesday (once a month): 3.30 pm Messy Church – for 1 hour, 30 mins
Every Second Tuesday

Crafts, games, then a story, a song and a prayer. The focus is on adults and children doing things together. There is a creche corner for anyone who brings under 4’s with them.
You can stay for an hour or you can stay for longer.
In March or April we always meet on Good Friday. There is no Messy Church in August.

Wednesday: 10.30am Communion

We meet in the centre (the old school building). The communion follows common worship. The congregation is mostly older people but some shift workers who are much younger attend too. The chairs are comfortable (ask us if you need one with arms) and there is a very short flat walk from the car park to the room. It’s always warm and many of us meet together in the cafe after the service for a good chat and something to eat. If the rector is away there may be some occasions when it is Morning Prayer led by the Reader

Thursday: 10.00 am Little church for Little People

It’s for little people but big people are also very welcome!
We meet every week for a very relaxed kids’ event. The aim is to have fun, share in and learn about the Christian faith. We start with a song, then a story, a craft or play activity, short prayers and more singing. We welcome parents, carers, grandparents with children 0-4 during term time and 0-11 during school holidays. There is always time for a chat and juice, tea and coffee. There are older adults on hand to help you have a really stress free morning.
During school holidays children of all ages are welcome to come along.