
Silent Disco

This is on Saturday 26th July in the upstairs room of Bromborough Social club. You pay £10 and get a headset. You listen to the type of music that you like. Most popular music tastes catered for.  It’s funny watching people dancing to different sounds. Bar available. All welcome but you need to be able to climb the social club stairs! The other good thing is that if you switch off the headset you can talk to each other because the room is quiet! Don’t want to come? That’s ok but do you know family members who might be interested? Please let them know. For tickets speak to Carol Jones. 

Big Breakfast on Saturday 27th July

This will be in the centre from 9.30 am. No need to book, just get the word out and attendThe cost is £5. Do invite friends to come along. 

Parish Lunch

Will be held on Sunday 4th August in The Royal Oak from about 12.15pm. Tables reserved in the conservatory area. All welcome. Sign up at the back to give Carol an idea of how many tables to reserve. The last two lunches have been good. 

The next Church rota September – November

Fiona is beginning to work on this rota. Please will you let her know dates you are not available in that time period or when you are if those dates are fewer in number. Please will you also email if you are willing to be added to the rota. We are currently very short in the welcome team (officially known as the sides people.) 

Your role? To greet people as they enter church, point them towards the collection plate and tea and coffee table. If appropriate invite someone to come and chat to them if they are new or in distress. 

When contacting Fiona, please will you use

Information to her by 11th August please. 

Wanted – Volunteers

We need some more people to go on the tea and coffee rota for Sunday. We also need some people to welcome and count at the door at both 9.15 am and 11.00 am.  Please let Fiona know if you are willing to do either of those things. Email as above.

Thank you 

To our wonderful fundraising group (there aren’t many but they are brilliant) for the Silent Disco. Thank you also to Linda, Sue, Thelma and anyone else involved in the Big Breakfast. It is appreciated

A notice to those who read in church 

Before you read, please look at the Lectionary Bible on the Eagle and check that it is open at the right page. We have had a few embarrassing moments lately. Embarrassing for those who don’t check, not for me!  Please also check you have got your reading dates in your diary. If you have lost the paper rota it is on the website. Cleck the tab at the top which says Church Rota. We are moving to this as the main means of communicating the rota so do check. 

Our Scout Group

The13th Bebington, will be 70 on Sunday 19th October 

An afternoon tea and fun day will be held on that day. All past members & family are welcome to join the celebrations. To book tickets (it’s a free event) email  Please share this with family members who may have belonged to the Group in the last 70 years.

We pray for…

  • The growth of our congregation and God’s protection around all who attend and serve at St Barnabas. 
  • Our new government and for all our MPs. Our local MP is Justin Madders. 
  • In our parish we pray for; Jean Horan, Wendy Walker, Gordon Simmonds, Val and Pete Jones, Craig Dillon, David Hart. 
  • Our Church family at home, Josie Davies, Thelma Williams, Eddie and Hilary Griffiths, Maureen Coleman, Mr Maelor, Pat Porter, Jan Harper and Barbara Tharme. 
  • Our link Missionaries Marcio, Noemi and their children and thank God for the work that they are doing in Indaiatuba. We pray for them as they plan their visit to the UK in the Autumn.
  • We pray for Revd Deborah and our brothers and sisters at St Barnabas Church Limassol in Cyprus. 

Donate to St Barnabas as you shop online!  

Sign up with and choose ‘PCC of St Barnabas, Bromborough’ as your chosen charity

The Rector Jenny can be contacted at or via her mobile 07806608219

Please send notices for inclusion in the Newsletter to by Wednesday at 4pm.

Find us on Facebook and on our website

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