
Messy Church in Centre 

Tuesday 11th February – volunteers needed, please to do craft, chat to adults, and serve the food. 

Big Breakfast

Do you think you will be exhausted after opening all your cards on Valentine’s Day? 
Good news – Big Breakfast is back so someone else will make your breakfast the following day.  Walk in at the Centre, Saturday 15th February 9.30 am – 11.00 am only £5.00 – all are welcome.

The Church rota for March – May 

This will be compiled soon. Please email Fiona Austin with any dates you are unavailable. Please could you do this by 10 February 2025, thank you.

If you would like to go on the rota for refreshments, welcome, reading or prayers please also email Fiona, we really need more people to help with refreshments and people who will do prayers. Thank you.

St Barnabas Information WhatsApp group

Would you like to be part of the church WhatsApp information Group or the Prayer Group? Please text 07806608219 (my number) and I will add you. I can’t add you if you don’t have WhatsApp. Help is available to help anyone who needs to download that first. 

Centre Volunteers

We are desperate for new volunteers in the Centre. Can you help? Volunteers will be asked to cover 2-4 hours on at least one day by agreement. You may be asked to make food (you will receive training) and or make drinks or deal with the till or washing up and clearing tables. Tasks are negotiable. You will not be on your own and you will have a team leader. Doing this work puts you at the heart of our weekday mission. On top of that, growing the work in the centre is the primary way we have now of raising funds. Please speak to Jenny Hope or Thelma McGorry or call in the centre when it is open. 

Men’s Breakfast

8th March in the Royal Oak Contact Malcolm if you need a lift 07837 886962. Also meeting on and 12th April 2025. 

A craft group drop in chat thingy group

It will have a better name than that. There is a group of women who are considering creating a group like this. Time is still a bit vague as is where and what, but the mists are clearing. If you have any desire to be part of this chat to Kaye, Heather or Gill. 

Social events

I am going to put some social events in our calendar. This will be for everyone to be part of and something that you can invite friends or family to attend. At the moment ideas include a pizza night, a quiz evening, a chocolate evening (you attend for dessert and there are games which end with chocolate as prizes), another roast dinner, Fish and chip supper, movie night. We are also in conversation about having a soup lunch on a Friday. Do you have any ideas too? 

Ladies Fellowship

So, it turns out that Viking women were in charge and ran everything. Anyone surprised by this? 

Calendar for 2026

I wonder, can we create a calendar of the 12 or so best photos sent in by those who are part of the St Barnabas Community? That could mean we even have a picture from Brazil, from Cyprus and from Canada (just three of the places with which we have links). But it might be a photo that you took of a church event or indeed our buildings or somewhere in the local area including your own garden. We will need to be putting this together ready to go on sale in September. If you have taken a good quality photo during the year how about sending me a copy? It needs to be original size and not made smaller and best quality. You must have taken the picture yourself or be sending the picture to me on behalf of someone who has given you permission to share/use it. If there are any people in the pictures you must have obtained written permission to include them in a calendar if your image is chosen. We cannot work with photos that have already been printed. They must be sent to us digitally (by email). I can’t wait to see what comes in. You can send more than one. Send to

Tap 2 Give machine

The Tap 2 Give machine in church keeps no information about the payer except the last four digits of the card number. If I know who these four digits belong to, then I can associate that donation with the person who made it, and if they are a gift aider, we can claim gift aid on the donation. So… if you have made donations on the machine at any point this year, please could you send me the last four digits of the card(s) you used. It will save you having to fill in a slip each time you use it. Many thanks Julie – Treasurer

For our Prayers

If you know of anyone in special need of prayer, please let us know. The only stipulation is that the person MUST give their permission

In our parish we pray for:

Jean Horan, Wendy Walker, David Hart, Graham Jones, and Rod Breeze.

Our church family at home:

Thelma Williams, Eddie and Hilary Griffiths, Mr Maelor, Pat Porter, Jan Harper, Val and Pete Jones.

We also pray for:

  • the families and friends of the Lt. Stephanie Griffiths, and Lt. Pauline Haywood
  • our link Missionaries Marcio, Noemi and their children as they prepare to return to Brazil after their long break. 
  • Revd Deborah, Edna and our brothers and sisters at St Barnabas Church, Limassol. 

One Reply to “Notices”

  1. Trish Eagleson

    Hello, I am in Canada and came across this posting quite by accident.
    I am a cousin of Hilary Griffith. My mother Marjorie (Ralph) was sister to Fran (Bill).
    I met Hilary, Eddie and 3 boys many years ago, in fact tho older 2 boys, Alan and David (?) visited with my family in Canada.
    I recall spending time with her sister Barbara on a return visit to England.
    I read that prayers are being sent to Hilary and Eddie and would like at send mine too. I wish them good health.
    Please convey this note to them.
    Thank you

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