
Thank you

There are so many this week. A special shout out to Jenny Hope who put together the food for our mission partners event last Saturday and a thank you too to those who either ate lunch, went for a walk, or came to the evening event (and some did it all!)  It was so good to meet Marcio and Noemi both then and last Sunday. If you wish to donate to them further (The Church has a pledge of £500 minimum) then you can do so directly by either using one of the forms at the back of church, or you can bank transfer to our account with the reference CMS partners, or put money in an envelope marked CMS partners, and we will send it onwards for you. 

Thanks, too, to all those who have already begun working on the tree festival. Led by Natalie Friel, they are already too numerous to mention though ‘the lads’ who include both church and community members have done sterling work already getting the big trees into church. 

Can you count money? Help still needed. 

On Mondays – this is different to the Sunday counters.  Please speak to Julie Watts or Debbie or Thank you.

What can you give or get people for Christmas? 

You could buy them a donation to St Barnabas Church. We accept any amount, big or small. For some people, this is something they would value. Don’t want to do that? You could give St Barnabas a Christmas present of an extra amount above and beyond your usual giving. 

Christmas Tree Festival

We need your help. This festival is our largest fundraising event. We have to have two people signed up for every hour of the 10 days it is open. Your job is to welcome people. We have tried to simplify everything this year so you will not be hit with so many instructions. Sign-up sheets for cover are at the back of church. 

The Posada

Mary and Joseph go out into our homes from next Sunday. Have you signed to say that you will give them shelter for a night? It is a bit like pass the parcel. You collect them from the person on the list before you and hand them to the person after. This can be done at home or if that feels too difficult in The Centre. There is a prayer in the box but saying it is not compulsory. Taking a bit of time with each other is what it’s about. Thanks to Heather who recently joined us and is prepared to organise the rota and keep an eye out for any bumps in the road. 

An Exhibition of hand-crafted banners showing the religious origins of the Twelve days of Christmas is being held at St Mary & St Helen Church, High Street, Neston between the 1st and 7th December 2024.  All are welcome. 

Church events

What’s going on at Christmas? Why not look at our website. You will always find the newsletter and a calendar of events there. There is other more detailed information too. If you want to tell people what you are doing or add things to the Calendar please contact Andrew Watts via

A church member contribution to Feeding families this Christmas

We think that we will be feeding about 120 families this Christmas as well as providing gifts. Last year we only had enough money to buy the basics. It has always been my goal to give people a bit of what I have at Christmas. A tin of chocolates, crackers, Christmas napkins alongside rice and pasta and all the other stuff. The amount of grant money we need for this is enormous. We have yet to confirm that we have sufficient funds. I believe someone wondered why the men’s group were being asked to contribute to selection boxes when we had £10,000 of grant left in our accounts. Shopping has gone up in costs – it is not easy to feed a family for two weeks on £100. Then add gifts… There is another element to this. If you are time poor (you don’t have much of it spare) or you can’t walk and stand or lift heavy bags how can you help this project? I want the whole church to be part of it so during November

  1. You can buy one or two selection boxes and bring them to church or the centre. 
  2. You can buy a box of crackers and bring that to church or the centre. 
  3. You can bring any brand-new toiletry gift sets to church or centre. Brand new toys or games can also be donated. 

Thanks to those who have already donated. Please note that you only need to donate one or two things. And you don’t have to do that.

For our Prayers:

If you know of anyone in special need of prayer, please let us know. Please ask people for permission before their name appears on the newsletter.  

This week we pray for those in our parish and specifically: 
Jean Horan, Wendy Walker, David Hart, Rosie Robertson, Jan and Gordon. 

We pray for our church family at home, 
Thelma Williams, Eddie and Hilary Griffiths, Mr Maelor, Pat Porter, Jan Harper, Barbara Tharme, Hilary and Eddie Griffiths, Val and Pete Jones and Anne Ellis. 

We pray for the families and friends of the
Lt. Pat Delamere, Lt Joce Davies, Lt. Janet Bagnall, and the Lt. Richard Short. 

We pray for our link missionaries Marcio, Noemi and their children, Giovani, Nathaniel, Isabella and Evangeline.  

We thank God for the work that they are doing in Indaiatuba. We ask for safe travels to and around the UK and Europe, for good rest and professional development and for the children in all the change. 

We pray for Revd Deborah, Edna and our brothers and sisters at St Barnabas Church, Limassol.

Donate to St Barnabas as you shop online!  

With Christmas coming it’s a great chance for you to help raise money for church. Sign up with and choose ‘PCC of St Barnabas, Bromborough’ as your chosen charity. It costs you the same amount as buying without the ‘Give as you live’ portal but it makes money for church.

Pension Credit

Help and support for this is on offer on Thursday 5th December in The Centre between 1pm and 3pm. 

Bring with you your National Insurance number (and your partner if applicable). exact figures of your state pension and any private pension and details of any savings or other investments. This is being run by staff from Justin Madder’s office. 

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